Tool Configuration

With the Tool Configuration it is possible to activate and configure various functions related to the tool. Each tool configuration can be mapped to a tool in Hardware Layout Configuration.

To view or edit a tool configuration menu:

  1. Select a controller in the Plant structure workspace .

  2. Click Configurations in the Menu bar.

    The workspace area displays the current accessory configurations.

  3. Add a new configuration or double click on an existing configuration with the type being a tool configuration.

  4. Make necessary configurations. The parameters are described in each section.

The tool configuration is divided into the following menus:




Configuration name and description and a tool type filter.


General parameters for the tool.

Multiple transducer (only available for FlexSystem)

Multiple transducer functionality.

Tool LEDs (only available for Synchronized tightening)

See Tool Configuration - Tool LEDs.

Buzzer (only available for Synchronized tightening)

See Tool Configuration - Buzzer.


The Tool configuration should be given a unique name. An optional description field is also available.

The accessory configuration list displays all configurations in an alphabetical order

To view or edit a tool configuration menu:

  1. Select a controller in the Plant structure workspace .

  2. Select the Configuration icon in the menu bar.

    The workspace area shows a list of all the current accessory configurations.

  3. Double-click on the name of the selected Tool configuration.

    The workspace area shows the details of the current configuration and is divided into different menus, one for each topic.

  4. Enter a configuration name and a description in the Properties menu.

  5. Select a tool type from the Filter by tool type drop-down menu.

    As the number of tools grow, the number of menus grow as well. To increase the visual comfort in the workspace, it is possible to filter menus and only show what is relevant for one selected tool type. The filter is set in the Properties menu. If No tool is selected, all the possible tool configuration parameters are displayed.


Use Start source to set how to start the tool.

Start source


Trigger only

Press the tool trigger to start the tightening.

Trigger OR Push

Press the tool trigger or push the tool against the joint to start the tightening.

Trigger AND Push

Press the tool trigger and push the tool against the joint to start the tightening.

Push only

Push the tool against the joint to start the tightening.

Digital input

Using an external digital input signal to trigger the start of the tightening.

Safety trigger

Press the safety trigger (both Main Trigger and Extra Trigger) to start the tightening.

Multiple transducers

Only available for QST and IxB tools.

Depending on the tool type and the number of transducers, it is possible to set how the torque and angle transducers are used in a tightening. The transducers can be configured to be controlling or monitoring.

Multiple transducers



Controlling torque transducer

Set the torque transducer to use for tightening.

Available settings:

  • Auto: For QST tools, Torque is used by default. For IxB tools, Torque 2 is used by default. If Torque 2 is not available for the IxB tool type, Torque is used.

  • Torque

  • Torque 2

Controlling angle transducer

Set the angle transducer to use for tightening.

Available settings:

  • Auto: For QST tools, Motor angle is used by default.

  • Motor angle

  • Angle

  • Angle 2

Select Details to open a sub-menu with more settings.

Monitor and reporting torque



Report monitoring torque values

If set, a Final Torque value will be reported from both the controlling and the monitoring transducer, including evaluation of the status for both (OK/High/Low).

Redundancy error reporting torque

Redundancy error is reported if the Final Torque measured on the controlling transducer differ from the value measured on the monitoring transducer.

Lock the tool on redundancy error

Lock the tool if a redundancy error is detected.

Torque transducer misc settings



Require dual torque

If set, the connected tool must have dual torque transducers (that are not disabled) to be able to run a tightening.

Monitoring torque in trace

If set, the values from the monitoring torque transducer are included in the trace.

Dual torque restrictions



Enable double torque restriction

If set, the double torque transducer restriction is active.

Maximum torque difference

The limit for the double torque difference restriction.

Monitor and reporting angle



Report monitoring angle values

If set, a Final Angle value will be reported from both the controlling and the monitoring transducer, including evaluation of the status for both (OK/High/Low).

Redundancy error reporting angle

Redundancy error is reported if the Final Angle measured on the controlling transducer differ from the value measured on the monitoring transducer.

Lock the tool on redundancy error

Lock the tool if a redundancy error is detected.

Angle transducer misc settings



Require dual angle

If set, the connected tool must have dual angle transducers (that are not disabled) to be able to run a tightening.

Monitoring angle in trace

If set, the values from the monitoring angle transducer is included in the trace.

Dual angle restrictions



Enable double angle restriction

If set, the double angle transducer restriction is active.

Maximum angle difference

The limit for the double angle difference restriction.