
TurboTight is the default tightening strategy and it is designed to perform a very fast and ergonomic tightening based on the tool’s maximum speed (Tool max speed). This strategy requires only the Target torque to be set to perform the tightening. Depending on the joint properties, for example if the joint is very stiff or very soft, a different tightening strategy might be needed.

If the TurboTight strategy gives unwanted results, a tip is to look at how the Rundown complete is set. A Rundown complete set too high could give the TurboTight strategy too little time to work on the necessary calculations in the Tightening step and result in an overshoot. The objective should be to set the Rundown complete as close to snug as possible.

A Rundown speed set too high could also cause the TurboTight to have too little time to work on the necessary calculations in the Tightening step, resulting in an overshoot. This is even more important if the joint is very stiff.

The table below lists all the parameters for the Turbotight tightening strategy. Some parameters are mandatory, some are optional and some are conditional.

The conditional parameters are not shown in the configuration menu if the condition is not valid, this is also the case when certain functions are disabled.

Parameters for TurboTight tightening

Parameter name



Default value

Target Torque


Defines the target torque of the final step of the tightening.


Residual torque correlation factor

A tuning factor that compensates between the dynamic torque, measured by the tool, and the residual torque needed for the correct clamping force.

This is expressed in percentage.

100 %

Torque limits


Selected by radio buttons.

Torque values for max and min can be Automatically or Manually selected.


Torque min

Torque limits = Manual

Torque value for the lower limit.

95% of target torque

Torque max

Torque limits = Manual

Torque value for the upper limit.

120% of target torque

Angle limits


Angle limits is selected from a shortcut menu.

Off: No angle limit monitoring.

From rundown complete: The monitoring window is set from when the Rundown complete torque is reached.

From torque: The monitoring window is set from when the specific torque value is reached.


Final angle monitoring torque

Angle limits = from torque

Torque value from when the angle limits are monitored.


Angle min

Angle limits = on

Angle value lower limit


Angle max

Angle limits = on

Angle value upper limit


Time min

Angle limits = on

Minimum time for the step

Range 0 - 99999 ms


Time max

Angle limits = on

Maximum time for the step

Range 1 - 99999 ms

40 ms

Measure torque at


Selected from a shortcut menu:

Max torque value: Measures the highest torque value during the tightening.

Value at peak angle: Measures the torque value at the highest angle value.

Shutoff: Measures the torque value before starting the stop stage.


Torque compensation


Selected from a shortcut menu:

On: Compensating the final torque value with the measured torque during rundown at the torque compensation point.

Off: No torque compensation value is applied.


Torque compensation point

Torque compensation = On

The torque compensation point is set by referring back to a specified angle from Rundown complete.



Measure angle to

Angle limits = on

Selected from a shortcut menu:

Value at peak torque: Measures the angle value at the maximum torque during the tightening.

Max angle value: Measures the maximum angle value during the tightening.

Shutoff:Measures the angle value before starting the stop stage.

Premature torque loss detection time

From rundown complete, the program may start the tightening with an increase in torque. If the tool detects a decrease in torque within this time frame, a slip-off is reported

If the socket slips of the screw head and the measured torque decreases below Rundown complete within the specified time, the tightening is aborted and premature torque loss is reported.

200 ms

The tool limits menu under the tool icon provides information about maximum tool limits. Tool type and limits also affects loosening strategies and parameters that are associated with a tightening program.

For example, a pulsating SR31 tool has a much higher torque value than a normal tool, when using a TurboTight strategy. The TurboLoosening must be properly configured in order to be able to loosen a screw.