Automatic Placement of Items in the Fieldbus Map

Items are placed automatically in the Fieldbus map. It is possible to change the order later by editing the Fieldbus window.

The following methods are used:

  • Items are placed in the order in which they are added to in the Fieldbus map, within the Fieldbus virtual station mapping configuration menu in Fieldbus and SoftPLC .

  • An item is placed at the lowest possible location with regards to byte, bit and length position.

  • If the item cannot fit in between existing items, the next free position in the array is tried.

  • If an item is deleted from the Fieldbus map, a gap will be created. When a new item is added, the placement algorithm will try to fill the gap.

  • If ToolsTalk 2 detects any violation of the placement rules. An error indicator will appear and indicate the error location. By placing the mouse cursor over the error indicator, more information about the rule violation is displayed.