Fieldbus Configuration Parameters

An item is placed into the Fieldbus Map by defining the position of the least significant bit. This position is identified by a byte number and a bit number.

Item position



Starting byte

The byte number in which the least significant byte of the item is located. A numeric number in the range from zero to size minus one.

The numbering starts from zero (0). The least significant byte or bit is number 0.

Starting bit

The bit number in which the least significant bit of the item is located. Starting from the previous selected starting byte. A numeric number in the range from zero to seven.

The numbering starts from zero (0). The least significant byte or bit is number 0.


A numeric value representing the number of bits in the item.


Information only. Provides information of minimum length, the maximum length and the default length of the selected item.


A drop-down list of available signal converters. This is used if the SoftPLC has any requirements on how items are represented in a digital format.

The item converters are used to convert items between different data types.

Item converters



Boolean inversion

Inverts the digital signal from active high (1) to active low (0).
