Rundown Selftap, Thread Cutting To Torque

The Selftap - Thread cutting to torque function enables tightening where the rundown torque required is greater than the Rundown complete torque, for example when tightening thin layers of metal using self-threading (or selftapping) screws. The selftap window starts when the torque value reaches SelftapTorqueMin/2. The torque must exceed SelftapTorqueMin, but not exceed Selftap-Torque-Max, during the angle window.

Rundown with a self tap screw

Parameter name


Default value


Off: Selftap is turned off.

On: Selftap is turned on.



Defines the angle to turn the socket during Self-tap. Measured from the end of the Start step.



Defines the speed during Selftap

35 rpm

Torque min

Torque value for lower Selftap limit.

0 Nm

Torque max

Torque value for upper Selftap limit.

Tool max torque