RabbitMQ Overview
An installation of RabbitMQ is needed to publish messages from ToolsTalk 2 to ToolsTalk 2 (from version 2.17).
For a general overview of the RabbitMQ installation, visit https://www.rabbitmq.com/install-windows.html.
Step | To Do | Check |
1 | Installing Erlang runtime
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2 | Installing RabbitMQ
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3 | Enabling RabbitMQ Web Management Plugin, to manage RabbitMQ via a web browser
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Before the configuration of RabbitMQ make sure that the Atlas Copco Data Communication has been configured correctly. Refer to the Atlas Copco Data Communication Installation and Upgrade manual.
Step | To Do | Check |
4 | Configuring RabbitMQ
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If you need to install ToolsTalk 2, see Installing Atlas Copco Data Communication.
If ToolsTalk 2 is already installed, run the DataCommunication Installation Configurator again to complete the settings, see Working with the DataCommunication Installation Configurator and Configuring the Settings Tab.
Step | To Do | Check |
5 | After ToolsTalk 2 is installed, the following entry appears in the ToolsTalk 2 log file, [2021-06-11 12:16:03.368 INF RabbitMqBroadcastClient.CreateConnectionAndExchange ] - Created RabbitMQ broadcast exchange: AtlasCopco_ACDC_ToolsTalk_Exchange. The log file is located in C:\ProgramData\Atlas Copco\Logs\DataCommunicationService. | ░░ |