Tightening Program Library Workspace

  1. Select Library in the left-side menu bar.

  2. Go to Tightening program library .

    The workspace area shows a list of Global tightening programs.

Tightening library overview



Check box

Select a configuration.


Shows the name of the configuration. A Push indicator can be next to the name.


The tightening strategy selected for the configuration.


A Yes in the column indicates that this is a global tightening program.


The final target is either expressed in a torque value or in an angle value.

Last changed

When the last changes were made, expressed in ToolsTalk 2 time.

Changed by

Which user made the last changes.


Controller software version that can support the Global tightening program library.

Not an actual column.

The list of configurations can be sorted in rising or falling alphabetical order, numerical order or time order. Click on the table header row to make an arrow visible and click on the arrow to change the current sorting direction. One arrow is shown at a time.

Controller type

Shows which controller type the tightening program is intended for.

Tightening library workspace command buttons




  • New. Creates a new tightening program.

  • Import. Import a tightening program. File format is *.json


  • Distribute. Opens the Distribute Global Configurations dialog window. The selected Global tightening program can be added to the distribution list.

  • Export. Exports a selected tightening program. File format is *.json

  • Export to csv. (not available for mutistep) Exports selected tightening program(s). File format is *.csv

  • Delete. Removes selected tightening program from the list.

  • Import Distributed - In the unlikely event of a ToolsTalk 2 license downgrade, the global distributions are automatically exported. These global distributions can be later imported using the Import Distributed function.

Select one or more Global tightening programs check box to view the distribution list. The distribution list shows all controllers currently subscribing to the selected programs.

If no global tightening programs exist, the work space area is empty. Select Add to create a new tightening program or double-click on an existing program to view or edit parameters.