Global Sync Mode Library - Deleting a Global Sync Mode

  1. Select Library in the left-side menu bar.

  2. Go to Sync Mode library .

    The workspace shows a list of global Sync Modes.

  3. For each Sync Mode to be deleted, select the check box in the leftmost column.

  4. Select Manage and then select Delete.

    If a global sync mode loosening is connected to a tightening sync mode, it is not possible to delete it.

    The global Sync Mode is removed from the library and the list is updated.

The controllers subscribing to the deleted Sync Mode do not lose the Sync Mode. A deleted global Sync Mode is removed from the list in the Sync Mode library workspace. The Sync Mode is still present in the list in the Sync Mode workspace of the controllers that have subscribed to the global Sync Mode. The visible change is that the Sync Mode is transformed from being a global Sync Mode to a local Sync Mode. (The entry in the column Library link is cleared).