SoftPLC Virtual Station Mapping Configuration

Creating a New SoftPLC Mapping

  1. Select Add in SoftPLC Virtual Station Mapping Configuration

  2. In the Create a New SoftPLC Mapping window, select the required Virtual station and the SoftPLC Signal Configuration from the drop-down menus.

    The same SoftPLC signal configuration can be used for multiple virtual stations.

    Each virtual station can use one SoftPLC signal configuration. When a virtual station is mapped with a particular signal configuration, it is no longer available in the drop-down menu when creating a new SoftPLC mapping. To make it available, delete the existing mapping for that virtual station.

    SoftPLC Index: Connect specific virtual stations on the controller to an ordered index in the SoftPLC environment. For example, if the SoftPLC refers to virtual station 2, this mapping will inform the SoftPLC exactly which virtual station currently is number 2.

    Select Update in the Project Virtual Stations to see any changes you made to a SoftPLC Signal Configuration or SoftPLC Mapping in the SoftPLC project. ToolsTalk 2 will not delete variables in the Multiprog SoftPLC project when updating, and it can only add or modify. Because of this, it is recommended to clear the global variables for Virtual stations or Fieldbus in Multiprog before updating.

Deleting a SoftPLC Mapping

  • Select the virtual station signal configuration mapping by marking the corresponding check box. Select Delete.