Creating Copies in the Bolt or Channel Area

It is possible to add many bolts or channels at once using the Create copy tab in the bolt or channel area.

  1. Select the check box of the ID that needs to be copied and select Create copy.

    The Create copy of bolts or channels window opens.

  2. Enter the number of copies in the Amount of copies field.

    If there is no space for a copy, then a warning "The amount of copies cannot fit into the remaining space in the current configuration" is displayed.

  3. Select Create copy and then select Close.

A list of copies with sequential identifier numbers is now visible. The value of the copied ID is always the number after the largest number already existing. For example, if there are ID's 2, 5 and 6 already existing and ID with value 2 is copied, the value of the new ID will be 7. Double-click on the parameters to change any values.