Comparing Multistep Tightening Programs
In Tightening Programs, two different Multistep Programs can be compared.
Go to the Tightening Program tab , in the list of programs select the corresponding check boxes of the Tightening Programs to be compared.
Only Multistep Programs with the same operation mode can be compared, Tightenings with Tightenings and Loosenings with Loosenings.
Select the Manage command button, and then select Compare.
The workspace displays graphical images of the actual Multistep Program Steps, and in the Compare area, the parameters for the two selected tightening programs are shown.
In the Compare window, the specific parameter values that differ will be displayed in red. Select the check box Show only differences to display only the parameter values that differ. The Properties and Steps sections which include parameters that differ will be marked with a blue indicator.
It is not possible to edit the two Multistep Programs that are being compared and configuration errors or warnings will not be shown.