Controller Selection

Valid for the Import, Export, and Push controller configuration scheduled tasks.

Select the controllers on which to run the scheduled task.



Schedule all controllers

When set to Yes, the scheduled task will run on all controllers that are connected to ToolsTalk 2 and that are visible in the plant structure .

The controller list will not be visible when set to Yes.

When set to No, the controller list will be visible and individual selections are possible.

Toggle all

All controllers are automatically marked and the task will run on all controllers.

It is possible to deselect individual controllers.

Select the controllers on which to run the scheduled task. The task will affect the selected controllers only.

Important difference between Toggle all and Schedule all controllers:

Toggle all

Easy to select or deselect individual controllers.

A static list. If new controllers are added, they are not automatically included.

Schedule all controllers

Any changes in the structure with connected controllers will not alter the scheduled task.

Dynamic list, all controllers are affected.

Important notice:

If an import is made to several controllers using the same import file, the controller name field is overwritten by the name of the controller in the imported file. Resulting in all controllers having the same name.

Further import or export with named controllers will fail, as the name will not be recognized anymore.

One way to overcome this issue is to set the Schedule all controllers to Yes.