Start Stage

The Start stage initiates the tightening, enables socket and thread finding.

Parameter name



Soft start


Enables setting of the tool’s speed, angle and maximum torque to facilitate the threading.

Off: Soft start is turned off.

On: Soft start is turned on.


Soft start = On

Defines the speed during Soft start.


Soft start = On

Defines the target angle to turn the spindle for the bolt to enter the thread.

Torque max

Soft start = On

Defines the upper torque limit during Soft start. If Torque max is exceeded, the tightening is aborted and an error message is shown. The tightening will be considered NOK.


True angle

Defines the maximum positive rotation of the tool. If the value is exceeded, the tightening is terminated and an error is reported. This is expressed in a numeric angle value.


True angle

Defines the maximum negative rotation of the tool. If the value is exceeded, the tightening is terminated and an error is reported. This is expressed in a numeric angle value.