Fieldbus parameters for CC Link



Default value

Fieldbus type

Type is selected from the drop-down menu. The following parameters depend on the selected type.

CC Link


Update interval

How often a Process Data Frame is sent. The value is expressed in milliseconds. Minimum value is 100 ms.

Lock tool when fieldbus offline

Selection switch Off-On. Determines the action taken by the controller if the fieldbus module loses communication with the fieldbus master (SoftPLC).


Read result handshake

Selection switch Off-On. When turned On, the setting will affect all virtual stations. The signal Read Result Handshake has to be mapped in the fieldbus configuration.

Any results produced when there are no results to acknowledge will immediately be sent to the SoftPLC.

Results to acknowledge will be put in a queue and when acknowledged it will be cleared and the next result in the queue is sent. The time between the cleared result and the next result in the queue is dependent on the cycle time for the fieldbus set in the general fieldbus settings. If the setting is changed, or if the fieldbus mapping for the virtual station is changed, the results still in the queue will be flushed and not sent to the SoftPLC.


Set by network

Selection switch Off-On. Determines how the fieldbus module communication is configured.

  • On: Communication parameters set automatically in the fieldbus module. Parameters are determined by the network during the initial connection with the far end station

  • Off: Communication parameters must be entered during the configuration.


Baud rate

Speed of the communication link. Select speed from the drop-down menu.

156 kbps; 625 kbps; 2500 kbps; 5 Mbps; 10 Mbps.

156 kbps

Fieldbus node address

A unique address for each separate unit within the network


Version 1: By default, the module automatically calculates the required number of Occupied Stations based on the mapped Process Data.

Version 2: By implementing the Network Settings in the CC-Link, it is possible to customize the implementation for CC-Link Version 2 and use larger data sizes through Extension Cycles.

Occupied stations

A parameter setting which is dependent on which Version has been chosen. This is used in combination with the Extension Cycles parameter.

Extension cycles

Parameter setting used for sending larger data sizes, used in combination with the Version and Occupied Station parameters.

To controller

Total receive Process Data Frame. The frame size is a combination of all the virtual station receive frames. The size is expressed in number of bytes.

From controller

Total transmit Process Data Frame. The frame size is a combination of all the virtual station transmit frames. The size is expressed in number of bytes.