Licenses Overview

Configuration of features governed by licenses can be done even in the absence of an installed license. E.g. configuration of tightening programs and configuration of Multistep programs. Assigning these features to a tool or virtual station is also possible. Running the feature without a valid license, however, will require the installation of the appropriate license.

License enforcement is performed at two stages: assignment and runtime (trigger pressed). If a feature for which no license is installed is assigned to a Virtual Station, a red exclamation mark will appear at the Virtual Station View in ToolsTalk 2. The controller GUI will also show a warning triangle at the tool or task section (depending on what is missing). If a feature for which no license is installed is started (i.e. trigger pressed), an event will be presented to the user informing the user of which license is missing. It will not be possible to proceed without a correct license installed. Running an unlicensed feature will, in most cases, result in a locked tool.

Many features and functions in the controller require a license in order to be assigned and used by a virtual station. There are three types of licenses:

Virtual Station Type

Fixed collection of features bundled together in a single package. The Virtual Station Type determines, among other things, what tools can be run, how many programs and sequences can be used, which tightening strategies are available, and the type of reporting that can be done. The features contained in each Virtual Station Type are features that often are used in conjunction with each other, or which have internal dependencies that require the presence of other features in the package. Virtual Station Types are assigned in their entirety to a virtual station. The virtual station can then make use of all features contained in the Virtual Station Type. In order to be able to perform tightenings, a Virtual Station has to be assigned a Virtual Station Type license. Depending on the license type, various tightening options will be enabled or blocked.

Virtual Station Feature

Individual features which can complement Virtual Station Types. A lot of features can be purchased as a single license.

Controller Feature

Features that are controller-wide. These are features such as Soft PLC and Step Sync, which are assigned to a controller and once assigned can be used by all virtual stations on that controller.