Working with the Batch Sequence Tab

A Batch Sequence task is selected in a Virtual Station Task configuration, or by an external input source.

The tightening order can either follow a fixed scheme, or be left to the operator to decide in a free-order scheme. In either case, the sockets or signals can be used to communicate between the controller and the operator.

  • A Batch consists of one tightening program, which is repeated a number of times.

  • A Batch Sequence is an ordered set of batches, when the operation requires a combination of batches/tightening programs.

  1. Select a controller in the Plant structure .

  2. Go to Batch Sequence .

The columns contain the following information:

Batch sequence information




Each Batch Sequence name starts with an index number. The following characters can be changed to any user defined name.

Last changed

Expressed in ToolsTalk 2 time.

Last changed by

Configuration data last changed by <user>.

Controller updated

Expressed in controller time.

Controller updated by

Controller updated by <user>.

The field Changed by and Controller updated by can be a registered ToolsTalk 2 user, created in the ToolsTalk 2 interface.




  • Export: Exports the Batch Sequence in .json format.

  • Delete: Removes selected Batch Sequence from the list. Mark the check box for one or more batch sequences and select Manage, and then Delete from the drop-down list. The selected Batch Sequences are removed and the list is updated.

The list of configurations will show irregularities in the index number scheme when a configuration is deleted. Index numbers do not change. Adding a new configuration will attempt to find the lowest free index position for a configuration.


Create or Import a new Batch Sequence.

The Batch Sequence name consists of an index number combined with optional characters. The index position cannot be changed. A new configuration is given lowest possible available index number. The index number is important when using sources and identifier numbers to be part of the task selection process.