Acyclic Result Items

This is a list of result items that can be sent as acyclic data.

Multiple tightening

Sync mode index

Sync mode name


Total Status Additional Info

Result Notification


Date and time

Virtual station name

Batch sequence

Batch sequence current status

Batch sequence counter

Batch count

Batch current status

Batch size

Batch sequence index

Batch sequence name

Multistep Tightening


Bolt name

Bolt number

Compact error

Elapsed time

Failing step

Angle high limit

Angle low limit

Final angle

Target angle

Final Angle Torque Trigger

Torque high limit

Torque low limit

Final torque

Target torque

Tightening Program name

Operation mode

Stopping error


Status info

Tool article number

Tool serial number

Program monitor


Angle Torque Trigger


Program Restrictions

Angle difference

Torque difference

Maximum Time Limit

Step monitor

Angle - High Limit

Angle - Low Limit


Angle Torque Trigger

Mean Torque - High Limit

Mean torque - Low Limit

Mean Torque

Monitor Current - High Limit

Monitor Current - Low Limit

Monitor Current

Peak Torque - High Limit

Peak Torque - Low Limit

Peak Torque

Measured Post Thread Cut Angle

Measured Post Thread Cut Peak Torque

Angle at post view torque high

Post view torque high

Post View Torque High - High Limit

Angle at post view torque low

Post view torque low

Post View Torque Low - Low Limit

Prevailing Torque

Prevailing Torque - High Limit

Prevailing Torque - Low Limit

Shut-off Current - High limit

Shut-off Current - Low limit

Shut-off Current

Shut-off Torque - High Limit

Shut-off Torque - Low Limit

Shut-off Torque

Stick Slip Detection - Measured number of oscillation

Monitor time

Time - High Limit

Time - Low Limit

Torque gradient - High limit

Torque gradient - Low limit

Torque gradient

Low torque in angle window

Peak torque in angle window

Torque in Angle Window - High Limit

Torque in Angle window - Low Limit

Torque Rate and Deviation - Deviation Limit

Torque rate deviation

Torque Rate and Deviation - Torque Rate High Limit

Torque Rate and Deviation - Torque Rate Low Limit

Torque rate

Angle from Yield - High limit

Angle from yield - Low Limit

Peak gradient

Yield angle

Yield Point Gradient

Yield Point Torque

Step restriction

Cross Thread - Maximum Limit

Cross Thread - Minimum Limit

Cross Thread

Restriction Current - High Limit

Restriction Current - Low Limit

Restriction Current

Elapsed time

Maximum Time - High Limit