Used for:
Getting a report for the tightening results.
Result Summary
Used for:
Getting an accurate summary of the process.
The results generated in the results tab are presented in a list format. The table grid is adjustable and it is possible to save these settings. The result list can also be exported.
Result summary for the combination of Unit, Bolt/Press object and Program version. Shows counts and percentage of OK, NOKs, Calculated Pp and Ppk values for the selected time period.
NOK trend per day
Used for:
Analysis NOK trends and compare with, for example program changes, tool changes or usage of new fastener to see the trend of the made changes.
Shows the number of not ok result for each top folder in the Tool Structure per day. It is possible to view the NOK results both in graphs and in tables.
This report is limited to 31 days of data.
Job Result
Used for:
Analysis of the jobs, for example, to see if the job has a high NOK count.
Shows the job results and batch sequence results for the criteria. It will summarize the number of OK and NOK results within each job.
Job Result Summary
Used for:
To give the possibility to get an easy overview of all jobs and there results.
Gives the possibility to view the performance of a certain job, or batch sequence version.
Top NOK job
Used for:
To give the possibility to get an easy overview on where changes is needed to improve the quality in the process.
Top NOK Job shows the jobs and batch sequences with the highest NOK percentage first.
Result Step
Used for:
To compare a certain step in a multistep assembly, with the same step in other assemblies.
Result step shows results of the different steps in a multistep assembly.
Used for:
Viewing tightening results from a view specifically developed for multi-spindle systems and multi-step program.