Setting the Administration Role
The administration role is set during installation but can be changed manually in the web.config
Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Atlas Copco\ToolsNet. If the installation path was changed from default during the installation of ToolsNet 8, navigate to that path instead.
in a text editor, for example Notepad.The default path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Atlas Copco\ToolsNet. If the default path was changed during installation of ToolsNet 8, use that path instead.
In the appSettings element, add the following line:
<add key="Roles.Administrator" value="SID" />
Replace SID with an S-X-X-X, where X is an integer.
SIDs are Windows Security Identifiers that are used to uniquely identify a security principal or security group.
In the system.web element, add the following line:
<authentication mode="Windows" />
Save the file.