Pulse Tightening Program


During the start step, the tool rotates in a speed mode without any pulsing.

Parameter name


Soft start

Enables setting of the tool’s speed, angle and maximum torque to facilitate the bolt entering the thread.

Selected by radio buttons.

Off: Soft start is turned off.

On: Soft start is turned on.


Defines the speed during the soft start.


Defines the Soft start duration.


Defines the target angle to turn the spindle for the bolt to enter the thread.

Torque max

Defines the upper torque limit during the soft start. If Torque max is exceeded, the tightening is considered NOK.

Rehit detection

Early: Terminates the tightening immediately when an already tightened screw/bolt is detected. The tightening will be considered as NOK. Requires that Soft start is activated.

Complete: Even though an already tightened screw/bolt is detected, the tightening is not terminated until all tightening steps have been executed. The tightening will be considered as NOK. To make a rehit detection when Soft start is not activated, the Rehit detection Complete option must be selected. Rehit detection Complete will not terminate the tightening until all tightening steps have been executed. The tightening will be considered a rehit if the speed fails to reach half the rundown speed, a rehit error is then indicated.

Off: No rehit detection will be performed.

Combination Soft start = Off and Rehit = Early is not allowed.


The TrueAngle compensation can detect tool rotation and make angle compensations within the set limits.


The TrueAngle compensation can detect tool rotation and make angle compensations within the set limits.

Use attachment tuning

Attachment tuning is selected by radio buttons.

Gear ratio

Socket rotation speed = Tool speed / gear ratio.

Efficiency tuning

For example 0.9 means 10% efficiency loss.


During rundown, the tool can use either speed mode, with a constant motor speed, or pulse mode. The selection is made depending on the encountered torque and the given torque limits within the configuration.

Parameter name


High-speed rundown

The rundown step can be done in high-speed in order to minimize the time, without overshooting. This is achieved by letting the tool run at a higher speed for a specified angle length. When the angle has been reached, the speed will change to the lower speed specified in Rundown speed parameter. Only available for SRB tools.

Length: Default 3600°, max 99999°

Speed: Tool max speed must be higher than Rundown speed (rpm).

Rundown speed

Rundown speed can be set to either Max or Manual.

If Rundown speed is set to Manual; enter the tool speed in rpm.

Rundown angle limits

Off: Rundown angle limits is turned off.

From Trigger: Rundown angle limits is turned On. The system starts to monitor the tightening angle as soon as the tool trigger is pressed and reports if angle limits are violated.

From torque: Rundown angle limits is turned On. The system starts to monitor the tightening angle from the specified torque value and reports if angle limits are violated.

Rundown angle monitoring torque

Torque value from where Rundown angle limits are set.

Angle min

Angle value for lower angle limit from starting point.

Angle max

Angle value for upper angle limit from starting point.

Time min

Minimum time for the step.

Time max

Maximum time for the step.

Rundown pulse limits

Selected from a shortcut menu:

Off: Rundown pulse limits is turned off.

From Trigger: Rundown pulse limits is turned On. The system starts to monitor the pulses as soon as the tool trigger is pressed and reports if the pulse limits are violated.

From torque: Rundown pulse limits is turned On. The system starts to monitor the pulses from the specified torque value and reports if the pulse limits are violated.

Rundown pulse monitoring torque

Torque value from where the Rundown pulse limits monitor starts. The value must be set to a value greater than Continuous max torque.

Pulses min

Minimum number of pulses to reach the Rundown complete torque value.

Pulses max

Maximum number of pulses to reach the Rundown complete torque value.

Rundown complete torque

Defines the torque value for when snug is reached and the rundown is completed. The program proceeds with the tightening and starts with pulse mode, if not already done so during rundown.


Parameter name


Target torque

Final target torque for the tightening.

Pulse Energy

The Pulse energy delivered in the action pulse expressed in a percentage of the maximum energy that the tool can deliver in each pulse.

Reaction force tuning factor

The energy delivered by the tool expressed in a percentage value. The reaction force tuning factor is based on the action energy and results in a comfortable reaction.

Residual torque correlation factor

The term Residual torque correlation factor is similar to a calibration and adjusts between the dynamic torque, measured in the electrical tool, and the residual torque, measured by a control tool.

Torque limits

Limits can be Automatically or Manually selected.

Torque min

Minimum torque for the step.

Torque max

Maximum torque for the step.

Angle limits

Off:Angle limits is turned off.

From Rundown complete: Angle limits is turned On. The system starts to monitor the tightening angle as soon as Rundown complete is reached and reports if angle limits are violated.

From torque: Rundown angle limits is turned On. The system starts to monitor the tightening angle from the specified torque value and reports if angle limits are violated.

Rundown angle monitoring torque

Torque value from where Rundown angle limits monitoring starts.

Angle min

Angle value for lower angle limit from the starting point.

Angle max

Angle value for the upper angle limit from starting point.

Time min

Minimum time for the step.

Time max

Maximum time for the step.

Pulse limits

Off: No pulse limit monitoring.

From rundown complete: The monitoring starts when the Rundown complete torque is reached.

From torque: The monitoring starts when the specific torque value is reached.

Final pulse monitoring torque

Torque value from when the pulse limits are monitored.

Pulses min

Minimum number of pulses to reach the final target.

Pulses max

Maximum number of pulses to reach the final target.

Premature torque loss detection time

A constant increase in torque is assumed when moving from rundown to tightening. A socket slip off, or a broken screw head can cause the torque to decrease. This may be detected in a monitoring window.