item | item | none |
3.11 | 02/2024 | NEW content: UPDATED content: |
3.10 | 06/2023 | NEW content: UPDATED content: |
3.9 | 01/2023 | NEW content: Tool Tab > Tool Diagnostics Tool Tab > Zero Position Settings Tab > Configuration of IXB Connect Configurations Tab > Tool Configuration > Configuration of the Dual Transducers Tool Tab > Front End Configuration
UPDATED content: Configurations Tab > General Virtual Station Event Codes list Tightening Tab > Multistep Programs > Tightening Steps ("Tighten to Torque AND Angle" and "Tighten to Torque OR Angle") Third-Party Licenses Multistep Programs > Step Monitors (A - Angle, PTCA - Post Thread Cut Angle)
DELETED content: |
3.8 | 06/2022 | NEW content: UPDATED content: Configurations Tab > Tool Configuration > Configuration of the Accessory Bus > ST Selector Tightening Tab > Multistep Programs (new filterable tables for tightening steps, monitors and restrictions) Configurations Tab > Tool Configuration > Configuration of the Open End Event Codes list Tightening Tab > Multistep Programs > Settings for a Multistep Program (NOK on trigger lost) Input Signals - Power Focus 6000 Input Signals - StepSync Output Signals - Power Focus 6000 Output Signals - StepSync Controller Tab > StepSync Controller Tab > StepSync > Tool Box for StepSync Controller Tab > StepSync > StepSync Tightenings Sources Tab
3.7 | 01/2022 | NEW content: Configurations Tab > Tool Configuration > Configuration of the Open End Settings Tab > Configuration of the Protocol > Configuring the Remote Logging Connection Settings Tab > Configuration of the Extended Logging Settings Tab > Configuration of the Extended Logging > Configuring the Log Groups
UPDATED content: Multistep Programs > Tightening Steps (TC - Torque Calibration) Multistep Programs > Step Monitors (C - Current, TC - Torque Calibration) Multistep Programs > Settings for a Multistep Program (Program Monitor - Time, Program Restriction - Angle, Program Restriction - Time) Multistep Programs > Step Restrictions (C - Current) Event Codes list Input Signals - Power Focus 6000 Input Signals - StepSync Output Signals - Power Focus 6000 Output Signals - StepSync
3.6 | 06/2021 | UPDATED content: Multistep Programs > Tightening Steps (Wait tightening step) Multistep Programs > Step Restrictions (RH - Rehit, RT - Rescinding Torque) Event Codes list Input Signals - Power Focus 6000 Input Signals - StepSync Output Signals - Power Focus 6000 Output Signals - StepSync Input/Output Signals - StepSync DELETED content: |
3.5 | 12/2020 | Added or updated paragraphs: Updated "Multistep Programs > Tightening Steps" paragraph Updated "Multistep Programs > Step Monitors" paragraph Updated "Multistep Programs > Step Restrictions" paragraph Updated "Multistep Programs > Result Reporters" paragraph Updated "Trigger Lost" paragraph Added "Configuring Result Presentation Settings" paragraph Added "Show Final Torque with PrT Compensation: ON / Show PrT Compensation Value on Live Result: ON" paragraph Added "Show Final Torque with PrT Compensation: OFF / Show PrT Compensation Value on Live Result: ON" paragraph Added "Show Final Torque with PrT Compensation: OFF / Show PrT Compensation Value on Live Result: OFF" paragraph Added "Show Final Torque with PrT Compensation: ON / Show PrT Compensation Value on Live Result: OFF" paragraph Updated "StepSync Signals > Input Signals" paragraph Updated "StepSync Signals > Output Signals" paragraph Updated "Configuring the ToolsTalk Connection" paragraph Updated "Configuring the ToolsNet Connection" paragraph Updated "Configuring the PIN" paragraph Updated "Clear Results" paragraph Added "Viewing Protocol Status" paragraph Updated "Stored Results" paragraph Added "Viewing Synchronized Traces" paragraph Updated "Event Codes" paragraph Added "SPC - Statistics Process Control" paragraph Added "Configuring SPC Parameters" paragraph Added "Configuring SPC Variables" paragraph Added "Calculating Statistics" paragraph Added "Viewing Statistics Results" paragraph Updated "Input Signals" paragraph Updated "Output Signals" paragraph Updated "Input/Output Signals" paragraph
3.4 | 04/2020 | Added or updated paragraphs: Updated "Software" paragraph Updated "Export/Import" paragraph Added "Exporting "All Controller Information"" paragraph Added "Exporting "Settings and Configurations"" paragraph Added "Exporting "Logs from Connected Tools"" paragraph Added "Exporting "Results"" paragraph Added "Importing Controller Configurations and Settings" paragraph Added "Automated Backup" paragraph Added "Supported Tools" paragraph Updated "Tightening Steps" paragraph Updated "Tool Motor Tuning" paragraph Added "Open End Tuning" paragraph Updated "Settings for a Multistep Program" paragraph Added "Trace Setting" paragraph Added "Setting up the Firewall" paragraph Updated "General Virtual Station" paragraph Updated "Configuration of the Direction Switch" paragraph Updated "Event Codes" paragraph Updated "Stored Results" paragraph
3.3 | | Added or updated paragraphs: Updated "TrueAngle Compensation" paragraph Updated "STwrench" paragraph Updated "Configuration of the PIN Settings" paragraph Added "Running the External Result Tightening Strategy with a Tool Connected" paragraph Added "Running the External Result Tightening Strategy without a Tool Connected" paragraph Updated "Tool Configuration" paragraph Updated "TAG Check" paragraph Updated "TAG Selection" paragraph Added "Input Signals" paragraph Added "Output Signals" paragraph Added "Input/Output Signals" paragraph Updated "Tightening Steps" paragraph Updated "Step Monitors" paragraph Updated "Step Restrictions" paragraph Added "Result Reporters" paragraph Updated "Settings for a Multistep Program" paragraph Added "Result View - Result Reporter" paragraph Updated "Emergency Stop" paragraph
3.1.X | | Added or updated sections: |
3.1 | | Added or updated sections: Updated license management Copying pasting of tightening programs Updated signal Updated third party licenses
3.0 | | Added or updated sections: |
2.8 | | Added or updated sections: |
2.7 | | Added or updated sections: |
2.6 | | Added or updated sections |
2.5 | | Added or updated sections: Multistep tightening strategy Selector confirm Saved positions General virtual station Wifi socket selector Multiple PINs External OK Service alarms for pulse tools Manual mode virtual station
2.4 | | Added or updated sections: Settings: License manager Settings: PIN code Settings: Configure start screen Tightening: Disable tightening, Measure angle to, Trigger lost, Torque tuning factor Tool health and battery check Controller health and battery check Pulse strategies 3-step tightening Device: Accessory bus Device: Led ring Device: EHMI Device: Fieldbus diagnostics Export/Import
2.3 | | Added or updated sections: System settings: network configuration System settings: preferences System settings: protocol configuration System settings: tightening Tightening: Time monitoring and Torque tuning factor ST Wrench Sources Accessory configuration: tool configuration, start condition, and socket selector configuration System administration: Export/Import Tool configuration; ST Wrench Appendix A: Front connections
2.1 | | Added or updated sections: Settings: Fieldbus Controller menu - Tightening: Current monitoring and True angle compensation Four step tightening System administration: Exported csv file format Virtual station: I/O diagnostics and Fieldbus Appendix A: Emergency stop
2.0 | | Added or updated sections: Settings: Tool alarms Tool configuration: Tool connection, Tool maintenance, Internal Wlan for wireless tools Tightening setup: Loosening step Tightening results: Live results, Stored results, Status for NOK results Virtual station Event codes in Power Focus 6000
1.6 | | First official release of the configuration guide for Power Focus 6000. |