Viewing Network Information

  1. If not in the main menu, press and hold the Select button until the main menu shows.

  2. Use the Up- and Down buttons to cycle through the main menu items to the Network menu.

  3. Press the Select button to open the Network menu.

  4. Press the Select button again to open the Information menu.

  5. Use the Up- and Down buttons to view the network information.

The Network menu provides the following information about the network that the tool is connected to:

Network Information


Radio type

Type of radio (WLAN)

Configuration mode

Type of connection (DHCP)

IP address

IP address of the tool

Subnet mask

IP address subnet mask


Connection gateway

Primary DNS server

Primary DNS server address

Secondary DNS server

Secondary DNS server address

Domain name

Domain name (can be empty)

Host name

Host name (tool)

Channel list

Available Wifi channels that can be selected

Active channel

Channel currently in use

Viewing Signal Strength History
  1. If not in the main menu, press and hold the Select button until the main menu shows.

  2. Use the Up- and Down buttons to cycle through the main menu items to the Network menu.

  3. Press the Select button to open the Network menu.

  4. Press the Down button to reach the Signal strength history option, and press the Select button. The graph can be used to detect potential connection blind spots for the tool on a production line.