Adjusting the Switch Point
Remove the cover (1) with 22 mm wrench while holding the valve casing with hook wrench.
Adjust the valve (2) with 1.5 mm Allen key supplied with AutoTrim valve. From fully closed (+) position to normal operation the needle valve is opened between 6 and 8 turns (-) depending on tool size.
Restore cover (1).
Perform a function control.
If the valve is too much closed, the AutoTrim valve will not shift to open position when pulsing starts. If the valve is too much open, the AutoTrim will directly open to full speed and power.
Clockwise (+) rotation delays the switch point (closes the needle valve) and vice versa.
If the tool is used for reporting applications (RE) the needle valve has to be turned more open (-) to compensate for the air volume in the signal hose.