Tool Diagnostics

In Diagnostics it is possible to run:

  • Sensor tracking

  • Diagnostic tests

Sensor tracking

To diagnose a tool, the angle or torque sensor, it is possible to start a Sensor tracking session in the Tool menu. A Sensor tracking session has a time out of 20 minutes. A warning is shown 5 minutes before timeout and it is then possible to extend the session or to stop it.

Sensor tracking is only possible for cable tools.

It is only possible to start one Sensor tracking session for each tool and controller at a time.

Start a sensor tracking session
  1. In the HOME window select Tool.

  2. Select Cable Tool and Sensor Tracking in Diagnostics.

  3. Turn On Start sensor tracking.

  4. Tool angle, torque and speed are shown.

Sensor tracking information

Tool angle

How much the tool has turned since the sensor tracking session started or since the last reset.


Readout: the instantaneous value for the torque.
Peak value: the highest measured torque value since the sensor tracking session started or since the last reset.


Readout: the instantaneous value for the speed.
Peak value: the highest measured speed value since the sensor tracking session started or since the last reset.

Diagnostic tests

To find out if a tool works correctly it is possible to do a diagnostic tests of the tool. The type of test that can be run depends on which tool is connected. Three different types of tests can be run:

  • Automatic production test: No action is required from the user.

  • Manual tests with no acknowledgment: The user has to do some tasks during the test.

  • Manual tests with acknowledgment: The user has to monitor and give feedback on the tool´s behavior.

It is only possible to start one diagnostic test for each tool and controller at a time.

When the diagnostic test is started the session is locked for other clients. A diagnostic test session has a time out of 20 minutes. A warning is shown 5 minutes before timeout and it is then possible to extend the session or to stop it.

Diagnostic test information

Automatic production test

Manual test with no acknowledgment

Manual test with acknowledgment

  • Transducer shunt check

  • Secondary transducer shunt check

  • Start button/Trigger

  • Safety trigger

  • Reverse ring/switch or button

  • Push start

  • Function button

  • Speaker/Buzzer

  • LEDs

Start a diagnostic test session
  1. In the HOME window select Tool.

  2. Select Cable Tool and Diagnostic Tests in Diagnostics.

  3. Turn on Diagnostic Tests.

  4. Select the test you want to run.

  5. Follow the instructions on the screen.

    All tests show result with green or red indication.

    The diagnostic test times out if no action is done within 20 seconds.

  6. A diagnostic test result is shown when the a test session is completed.

    If you leave the diagnostic test page the result will disappear!

  7. To export a test result; select the Export button.