Final Target Torque - 31015
Gets the target torque of the tightening program for a performed tightening. The value is copied from the program of the tightening result and is published after the tightening.
The Multistep programs retrieve the Target Torque from the last tightening step in the tightening program defined as Step Category "Final".
Converter | Signal Type | Value Type | Size Min [bit] | Size Max [bit] |
Standard | Event | Integer | 32 | 32 |
FixedPointToDecimal | Event | Integer | 32 | 32 |
To avoid duplicating signals, it is possible to define Value Converters.
Converters are used to support more than one representation of the same signal (for example Angle/Torque Status can both be represented bitwise or as a status character).
Fieldbus: TRUE
Indicator Box: FALSE
Internal I/O: FALSE
Operator Panel: FALSE
Tool Functions: FALSE
ST Selector: FALSE
Stacklight: FALSE
I/O Expander: FALSE