Output Message
Type | Description |
Finish process | Ends the current workpiece gracefully, resulting in a process result message. Choose the affected workplace. |
Generic IO 1 to 10 | Set the state of one generic IO. Choose the tool, the relay ID and the state, which are to be used. |
Lock tool | Leaving a position triggers this option. Choose a tool and a position to match. |
Notify | Triggers on locking the tool by ILG (not by other sources). Choose a tool to match. |
Release tool | The workpiece is finished. Choose a workplace and a result to match. |
Reset process | ILG received a VIN through OpenProtocol. Choose a tool and a VIN to match. |
Start workpiece | Triggers on releasing the tool by ILG (not by other sources). Choose a tool to match. |
Advanced | Is only for advanced users, who want to react on some other internal messages. |