Creating a Workplace

  1. In the Setup mode, on the Workplaces page, select the + icon at the upper-left corner.
    Workplace pop-up window opens.

  2. In the Workplace tab enter the workplace ID and the workplace name. Then, select the tools to be linked to the workplace, and the ILG Selection Method in the dropdown menu.

  3. In the Workpiece tab select the preferred options for the workpiece.

    The Fixed Workpiece option disables the other options and requires a Fixed Workpiece Name.

    The VIN / Barcode option starts a workpiece that has an ID that matches the VIN selected on the controller.

    The Batch number matches workpieces id option starts a workpiece that has a ID that matches the batch ID selected on the controller.

    The Pset number matches workpieces id option starts a workpiece that has a ID that matches the Pset ID selected on the controller.

    The Position selects workpiece options is only used for API tools.

    The New workpiece finishes the current option finishes the process for the ongoing workpiece first if a new workpiece is selected.

  4. In the Parameters tab select more advanced options.

  5. In the HMI tab select the buttons and functions that should be visible in ILG.

  6. Select Save.