Programming the Tightening Processes
To create tightening processes, ILG software has no fixed programming sequence which must be followed.
Since very different process sequences and structures may be necessary, ILG software offers different methods to support the setup of processes. These methods are not exclusive and can be combined according to requirements.
In general, to set up a complete tightening process, the user must:
Create a process structure - Depending on the application, different groups and positions must be arranged within the tree structure to define the process flow.
Set up the general tightenings parameter - Each tightening process is regulated by different specifications, which are valid for several tightening positions. These setting options include, for example, the loosening strategy, the referencing method, or the reject management.
Define the enabling and disabling volumes - A tolerance volume is defined around each position that is tightened in the process, which controls the release of the tool. Only if the tool is within the tolerance volume of the position, the tightening tool is enabled.
Make the teaching of the tightening positions - The main task of ILG software is to compare the current tool position with the predefined nominal positions. This nominal value is stored as Cartesian coordinates in the positions during the teach process.