Charging the MWR with the MWR Charging Cradle

Install the MWR Charging Cradle close to the AC Power. If the charging cradle is malfunctioning, immediately disconnect the plug from the AC power.

  1. Connect the MWR Charging Cradle to the AC power.

  2. Insert the MWR wrench into the MWR Charging Cradle.

    Adjust the support arm according to the capacity of the MWR model.

    When the MWR is placed into the MWR Charging Cradle, the red, yellow and green LEDs on the sides of the wrench start blinking: the wrench is setting the internal offset (zero point) for the torque transducer, and running a quick self-test.
    Once the internal offset is complete, the charging starts and the wrench yellow LED is steady on, while the Status LED of the MWR Charging Cradle is blinking green

    When the MWR charge is complete, the Status LED of the MWR Charging Cradle is steady green.

For more information on the behavior of the MWR Charging Cradle Status LED, refer to Status LED behavior.

For more information on the behavior of the MWR wrenches LEDs, refer to the MWR Product Instructions specific to the model in use.