Tool Health

The Health view contains information about tool temperature.

Tool temperature

Tool temperatures (both for cabled and battery tools) are monitored continuously by the Power Focus XC. Supported temperature units are degrees Celsius (°C) and degrees Fahrenheit (°F), with Celsius being the default unit. It is possible to switch between the two units without requiring a controller restart. When the tool motor temperature or tool electronics temperature exceeds max temperature, the tool is locked and an alert (2014) is shown. The tool is once again unlocked when the tool temperature drops below the temperature limit.

Tool temperature is not available for the STwrench.

Monitoring Tool Temperature

From the display or through the web GUI, users can access the latest tool electronics and tool motor temperatures measured together with the timestamp when the measurement was taken.

  1. On the Home view, tap on the Tool Tab.

  2. Both tool electronics temperature and tool motor temperature are listed under Health.
    For pulse tools, the Tool pulse unit temperature is also listed.

  3. Click on either entry to access a list of peak temperatures and their timestamps.