Stored Results

The controller stores the result for every tightening or loosening performed.Power Focus XC can store up to 10,000 results.

Showing Stored Results

  1. On the home view, go to the Reports tab. Results is automatically selected on the left pane.

  2. On the Results window, select View all results.
    The results list shows with the following information:

    • Date: date and time of the tightening performed.

    • Virtual Station: Virtual Station which the tightening was performed with.

    • Tightening Program: Tightening Program column shows Multistep Tightening Program name, or Batch Sequence name followed by the Tightening Program name within the Batch Sequence.

    • Result: Torque / Angle result.

    • Limits: Limits column shows values only when the user sets Step Monitor or Step Restriction, or Program Monitor or Program Restrictions.

      Step Monitors, Step Restrictions, Program Monitors and Program Restrictions are applicable for Final Torque and Final Angle.

    • Details: Tightening / loosening result details.

    • Trace checkbox: By selecting a trace checkbox the corresponding result will be shown in the Sync trace result view.

In the Limits column, the minimum / maximum value can be red colored.
In this case, the red colored value means that any of the following has occurred:

  • The measured value is lower than the minimum value set in the Multistep Program.

  • The measured value is higher than the maximum value set in the Tightening Program.

Showing and Reading Result Traces

  1. On the home view, select the Reports tab. Results is automatically selected on the left pane.

  2. On the Results window, select View all results.
    The results list shows in the Results window.

  3. Select the necessary result.
    The tightening trace shows in the Trace Result View window.

Trace Result View window shows, step by step, the tightening life-cycle.
When the tightening is NOK, Trace Result View window shows which Step Monitor or Step Restriction caused it.
On the trace graph, the Step Monitor or Step Restriction that caused the NOK tightening in the Step level, is red colored.

Point and click on image to see more information:

Result View - Trace Graph

This section shows the tightening in the shape of a graph.

Use the arrows in the upper-right corner of the trace graph to view the different trace graphs available for the tightening result selected.
The following trace graphs are available:

  • Torque / Time

  • Torque / Angle

  • Angle / Time

  • Speed / Time

  • Speed / Angle

  • Gradient / Time (when the tightening program is configured to make a gradient trace)

  • Gradient / Angle (when the tightening program is configured to make a gradient trace)

  • Current / Time

  • Current / Angle

Step lines are upon the trace graph.

On the trace graph, it is possible to zoom in/out, move the trace, and read x-axis and y-axis values on a specific point.
On the lower-left corner of the trace graph, select the plus icon (+) to zoom in , the minus icon (-) to zoom out, or the square icon (□) to reset the zoom level back to the default view.

Result view - Numbers

This section displays the result in numbers. There is also information about the tightening program, the virtual station, the date and time of the tightening, the status, etc. .This view will also display some identifiers like the VIN.

Result View - Step Monitors

This section shows a list of the tightening results with information about the step monitors used and other step information.

Select the ellipsis icon on the different tightening results listed to get further information.

Result View - Reporters

This section shows the values from the result reporters. If there is a result reporter defined for a program monitor/restriction, the value from that monitor/restriction is reported. If there is no result reporter defined for a program monitor/restriction, the value from the latest executed result reporter in main path is reported.

Evaluation order if several reporters of the same type are defined in a program:

  1. result reporter on program monitor/program restriction.

  2. result reporter on monitor/restriction of the last executed step in main path.

Values on the highest level of the multistep result set by the corresponding result reporter:

  • final angle set by result reporter final angle

  • final torque set by result reporter final torque

  • current set by result reporter current