Setting Tool Distance Limits in an Area

The distance functionality is used to control the tool behavior based on the distance between tool and the ILT Base Station. In a tool tethering application, the tool would be disabled when exceeding the defined distance limit. The distance limit can be defined manually or by using a teach mode.

The omnidirectional antenna in the ILT Base Station measures distance in all directions from the ILT Base Station.

Placement of ILT Base Station


ILT Base Station


Distance between the ILT Base Station and the ILT Tool Tag


Maximum distance from the ILT Base Station

Setting Tool Distance Limits in an Area
  1. On the Edit Area screen, select Distance.

  2. Select the check box for Use Distance, more options are now visible.

  3. Choose to either set the distance manually or using the Teach Distance function.

Setting the distance using Teach distance
  1. Select Teach distance.

  2. Select a delay time by tapping Time delay. The options are: No (default value), 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds.

  3. Place the tool at the minimum distance limit and press Start calibration.

  4. Place the tool at the maximum distance limit and press Start calibration.

To adjust the minimum and maximum distance, if needed, follow the same procedure as for setting the distance manually.

Setting the distance manually
  1. Select Min distance, enter the minimum distance and then select OK.

  2. Select Max distance, enter the minimum distance and then select OK.

Enter the distance in meters.