E-stop cable length
The maximum allowed resistance for the e-stop chain is 200Ω. To calculate the maximum allowed cable length the following formula should be used:
2,7Ncarriers + 0,22L10-cabletotL + REstop cable per m • LEstop cable • 6 ≤ 200Ω
NCarriers = Number of FlexCarriers
LIO-cabletot =Total length of control cable
REstop cable per m = Resistance per meter of e-stop cable
LEstop cable = Length of e-stop cable
Maximum and minimum wire size
AWG: 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28
mm2: 0,2 - 1
A 14 channel system with two 6 slot and one 3 slot FlexCarriers. The system has got a normal e-stop solution with three e-stop buttons and one restart button. The e-stop cable length is 150 m and the control cables are 2 m and 5 m.
The e-stop cable is a 6 wire AWG 22 (0.64 mm2 0.11 Ω/m).
2.7·3 + 0.22(2+5) + 0.11·150·6 = 108.64 ≤ 200
For power distribution reasons the control cable length must not exceed 30 m in any segment.