Transferring a License

  1. On the IPC, navigate to the installation directory of the ILG software. Usually C:\ProgramData\AtlasCopco\IndustrialLocationGuidance.

  2. Move the amencebhlhnpeshldlbwcjhbpfzphubc and amzhfpbjwcpyyudpuggpnwwbuuhnfchc files to a known directory, for instance Desktop.

  3. Upgrade the ILG software.

  4. In the installation directory, delete the auto-generated amencebhlhnpeshldlbwcjhbpfzphubc and amzhfpbjwcpyyudpuggpnwwbuuhnfchc files.

  5. Move the amencebhlhnpeshldlbwcjhbpfzphubc and amzhfpbjwcpyyudpuggpnwwbuuhnfchc files to the installation directory of the ILG software.

Transferring a License Video