Creating a Controller
Before start, ensure the controller software is uploaded to the Toolscontrol Portal. If the target software is not available, follow the steps.

Length of the controller name is not more than 32 characters, and it differs according to language setting. ToolsControl does not support "&" and "\".
Prepare the controller software according to the controller type and model.
Go to Software page in the Toolscontrol portal, and select Upload New.
In the popup window: select Add new controller software, browse to the selected software and upload.
To create a controller, follow either of the steps.
Go to the Controllers page in the Toolscontrol portal, and select the + sign located at the right of the All Controllers. In the popup page: Create New Controller, insert the name of the controller and select the software version.
As an optimized method, users can also create a controller from the Controller structure page. Furthermore, users can create multiple controllers, choose a existing group, create a new group, and apply a group to the newly created controller in the same page through drag and drop the controller.
Select the gear icon next to the + sign to enter the Controller structure page. In the Create New Controller page, insert the name of the controller and select the software version. Click the + sign, a new controller is created.
The structure section locates at the right side of the Controller structure page contains the folders that grouping of the controllers. Users can create a controller group by adding a group folder name. A group folder can also be deleted or renamed afterwards. Users can organize a controller to a group by drag and drop it.