Prerequisites for test and validation of PROFISafe

Make sure that all equipment is in place. Pay special attention to the following:

  • The first FlexCarrier has an ASM plug connected.

  • The daisy chained FlexCarriers have a bypass plug connected.

  • That a PROFINET cable is connected between the FlexController and the safety PLC.

  • All FlexCarriers are fully populated, no empty slots are allowed. If there is an empty slot, equip it with a FlexBlank module.

  • Connect all FlexCarriers together with FlexControl cables, pay attention to the IN and OUT markings on the FlexCarriers.

  • The first and the last FlexCarrier in the daisy chain must only have one FlexControl cable connected.

  • That you have access to the FlexSystem web GUI, Reports > Events > View all events. All alarms are shown in the Events list.

  • PROFINET IO Controller with PROFIsafe (Safety PLC) must be parameterized with configuration parameters as shown in table. PROFIsafe destination addresses must be unique within the station and the network.

  • Safety PLC must be programmed to activate safe output DO1 (bit 0) and monitor feedback of digital input DI4 (bit 3).